23-25 Oct 2024 BARCELONE (Spain)


Welcome to the website of the AGRH 2024 congress in Barcelona, whose theme is "Between fragmentation and hybridization of the worlds of work, what HRM(s) tomorrow?"

On the occasion of this annual congress, the AGRH organizes a Doctoral Day as well as a Symposium.

1. The AGRH doctoral workshops traditionally take place on the first day of the annual meeting (Wednesday). They allow doctoral students to present the progress of their thesis work in order to obtain feedback from experienced members of the AGRH of the association. They are recommended in particular for the 1st and 2nd year of the thesis. These doctoral workshops are also open to doctoral students in DBA.

Those who wish to participate in the AGRH workshop, on the dates indicated in the call for papers of the AGRH congress, are invited to submit a paper that meets the submission standards before the deadline of June 10, 2024 midnight French time, at the address: agrh2024barcelona@gmail.com


2. The proposed symposia must be related to the general theme of the congress. The symposia aim to develop exchanges with the socio-economic world. This format also consists of promoting sessions dedicated to a common theme through the concerted proposal of several papers articulated around an innovative, important, emerging or current topical subject.

Those who wish to propose a symposium at the AGRH congress are invited to submit a paper that meets the submission standards to the following address: agrh2024barcelona@gmail.com before July 7, 2024 midnight French time.

All practical information about the congress is available and updated on the website: https://agrh2024bcn.com/

We look forward to your contributions!

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